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Thursday, 24 May 2012

Can you believe it's Thursday already?! 

I can't. Anyway if you would like to clear your ears in time for the weekend so you can hear everyone a bit better at the bar/club/wherever you are then read Samantha's post below on...

Ear Candling

(Samantha did it on me last night and it definately works.....i've stopped saying "huh?" as much already ;) 

Last night I candled Gabriela's ears for the first time. I have candled my ears many times in my life and I was shocked to hear that she had never done it before. Maybe it is something we just do in Canada? 

Anyways I feel that ear candling is a very amazing natural way to get rid of built up wax and sinus powder that have been gathering in your ear canal over the years. I personally candle my ears twice a year, any more I think would not be healthy because you naturally need some wax in your ear to protect you from dust and bacteria in the air. You can purchase ear candling tubes from any health store around and they are very reasonable in price. After a session of candling both ears you will feel amazing! You will notice instantly that your hearing seems more sharp and if you have sinus problems you will most definitely notice a decrease in them! This time of year a lot of people are suffering from allergies from all the pollen that is out, therefore making this the perfect opportunity to candle your ears to help deal with some of your sinus problems.

So how does this all work? Basically you are inserting a hollow tube into your ear made from cotton, linen or hemp, which has been sprayed with beeswax. You are lighting that tube with a match and letting the heat act as a vacuum pulling the wax and sinus powder deep within your ear.

At first I did not believe this whole concept of ear candling...I felt the whole idea was a gimmick. So I simply took a hollow tube and lit it with a match and let it burn till the bottom, when I cut it open there was absolutely nothing in it. Then the true test was about to happen...I got someone to candle my ear with the remaining tube till the bottom and cut it open. To my surprise it was filled with wax from deep within my ear (gross I know, but I want you to understand that these candles do work!)
Therefore do not think the wax at the bottom of the tube is simply the wax from the tube dripping down, because it is is your wax from deep within your ear! Can you imagine how amazing you are going to feel when you have a session of ear candling...pretty amazing let me tell you! lol

Well I hope I have convinced you that ear candling is something you should look into if you are suffering from dull hearing, headaches, sinus problems, snoring, etc. Once again the list goes on and on, do some research for yourself. I just know from personal experience that I feel so rejuvenated after I candle my ears and the effect last for a long time. Happy candling :)

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